ROManian Inventory and NETworking for Integration in ERA
Contract No. 510475, financed by European Commission (2004-2006)

Previous issues are available on the project website:
Flash News No. 39, 14 august 2006

Potocnik dares Romania to do more to boost R&D [2006-09-13]

European Commissioner for Science and Research Janez Potocnik has congratulated the Romanian scientific community and policy makers for their efforts to boost research and development (R&D), but has dared them to do more to improve the country's research landscape. He also encouraged them to make strategic use of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

Speaking in Bucharest on 11 September, the Commissioner said that recent initiatives undertaken by the Romanian government made it apparent that research is a top priority for the country. Such initiatives include the establishment of a national scientific research authority in 2005, the launch of a research for excellence programme, the opening of a new office for science and technology (ROST) in Brussels; and compliance with EU legislation. The increased mobility of Romanian researchers was also benefiting the country's R&D base, he said.

'I would like to congratulate all of you on these efforts which have certainly set you off in the right direction', said Mr Potocnik.

However, more still needs to be done, said the Commissioner, who highlighted four areas where efforts should be focused.

First, there is a need to involve industry more in research. 'This is a weakness in many European countries, but it is particularly acute in Romania, where, for historical reasons, industry has little tradition of doing research itself,' said Mr Potocnik. Ways in which this could be achieved range from better regulation, an intelligent use of public procurement and tax incentives to stimulate private investment in research. 'All this with the objective of creating the right conditions so that innovative lead markets are created,' he added.

Another important way to boost innovation is the need to encourage partnerships between universities and industry. The Commissioner gave the example of science parks, where academia and entrepreneurs meet to consider technology-driven production. 'Such partnerships allow for transfer of knowledge to take place and generate very interesting synergies,' he commented.

A third area requiring attention, according to Mr Potocnik, is the low-levels of participation of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in EU research programmes. He asked Romanian policymakers to consider providing financial support in the form of small grants to encourage SMEs to undertake collaborative research, or technical support regarding the protection of intellectual property rights.

Finally, the Commissioner called for efforts to build capacities at all levels to develop an 'integrated research policy'. 'This ensures that measures are taken at all levels reflecting a shared vision: investing in knowledge and innovation, supporting economic development and integration into the European Union and the world,' he said.

Mr Potocnik also had some 'brotherly' advice on how to get the most out of FP7. He suggested policymakers to take a 'less is more approach' and 'identify priorities at national level and concentrate efforts and those areas where you can contribute to European excellence.' He added that 'serious thought' should also be given to the opportunities offered under the expanded 'People' programme, particularly since the number scientists and engineers was in serious decline in Romania.

Category: General policy
Data Source Provider: Speech by Janez Potocnik
Document Reference: Based on speech by Janez Potocnik
Programme or Service Acronym: FP7; FUTURE RESEARCH
Subject Index: Coordination, Cooperation; Economic Aspects; Innovation, Technology Transfer; Regional Development; Scientific Research